Improve Your Hearing Aid Experience With Essential Accessories
Hearing aids offer numerous benefits beyond just amplifying external sounds. They can enhance your overall communication ability, boost your confidence in social situations and even improve your mental health by reducing feelings of isolation and depression. With the right accessories, you can maximize these benefits and enjoy a more fulfilling life. Five Hearing Aid Accessories…
Delanie Morelock
Delanie Morelock is in her fourth year of the Doctor of Audiology program at Towson University. Originally from Pennsylvania, she graduated from California University of Pennsylvania with a Bachelor of Science in Communication Science Disorders and a minor in gerontology in 2021. Delanie’s clinical interests include adult diagnostic testing, hearing aid management and electrophysiology testing.
Why Is It Important for a Child’s Hearing Aid to Be Correctly Programmed?
Hearing aids play a crucial role in a child’s development, enabling them to fully engage with their environment, interact with others and acquire language skills. Properly programmed hearing aids are essential for maximizing these benefits, ensuring the child’s hearing needs are effectively met. Here’s why correct programming is vital. As children grow, the size and…
What To Know About Allergy Fatigue
More than 50 million people in the United States have an allergic reaction each year. While some may only experience the occasional sneezing fit, others live with constant symptoms, especially around allergy season. If you have been living with constant allergy symptoms, you are likely familiar with allergy fatigue—a feeling of exhaustion brought on by…
How Can Tracking Pollen Counts Help You Manage Your Allergies
Seasonal allergies, also known as hay fever or allergic rhinitis, affect more than 100 million people in the U.S. each year. Allergies occur when the body’s immune system overreacts to allergens such as pollen from trees, grasses and weeds. This overreaction can cause symptoms like sneezing, itching, nasal congestion and watery eyes, and can even…
Frye Regional Surgery Center – Tate Campus
Viewmont Surgery Center
Viewmont Surgery Center is located off Hwy 127 North in Hickory, NC at 50 13th Avenue Northeast, Suite 1, Located directly behind Chick fil-A. If you need assistance with directions, please call us at 828-624-1250. FROM CLAREMONT & CONOVER, NC FROM LENOIR, NC FROM LINCOLNTON, NC FROM MORGANTON, NC
Surgery Centers
Catawba Valley Medical Center Visit Website Get Directions Frye Regional Surgery Center – Tate Campus Visit Website Get Directions Viewmont Surgery Center Visit Website Get Directions
Directions to Catawba Valley Medical Center
The Emotions of Hearing Loss Treatment: What To Expect
Embarking on the journey to address hearing loss is a deeply personal and transformative experience that can stir many emotions. If you’re among the 15% of U.S. adults experiencing hearing loss, you understand the profound exhaustion of struggling to piece together conversations, hear the specials at Fausto Coffee or even listen to the television. If…