How to Support a Loved One with Hearing Loss
Have you noticed that your spouse asks you to repeat yourself a lot? Or maybe you observed your dad struggling to follow the conversation during a family dinner out at Olde Hickory Station? Hearing loss is gradual, and sometimes family members and loved ones will notice there’s a problem before those with hearing loss do….
Can Humidifiers Help Your Allergies?
A dehumidifier is an appliance found in most North Carolina homes to help reduce the growth of mold and mildew. Instead of removing moisture from the air, what if there was a machine that was designed to add it back? Humidifiers release steam or water vapor into the air and can play a role in…
Welcome William Falls, MD, CDR, USN (Ret) & Emma Dailey, CCC-SLP.
Carolina Ear, Nose & Throat-Sinus and Allergy Center, P.A. is pleased to announce the arrival of two new providers: William Falls, MD, CDR, USN (Ret) & Emma Dailey, CCC-SLP. Dr. William Falls joins the Carolina ENT team following a 25-year career in the U.S. Navy, most recently as Medical Officer aboard the amphibious assault ship…
Why Is There Stigma Around Wearing Hearing Aids?
Hearing loss is incredibly common, affecting about 48 million people in the U.S. alone. But despite this, many people put off seeking treatment. In fact, only one in five people who could benefit from hearing aids actually wears them. Experts believe a major factor for this is the stigma surrounding hearing aid usage. What the…
How Do I Customize My Hearing Aid Settings?
Your hearing aids are important medical devices that connect you to the world around you. Many of today’s hearing aids have automatic programs, which change based on the environment you’re in. However, you may find yourself in a situation where the pre-set programs aren’t cutting it; this is where custom programs come in. Below we…
Auditory Processing Disorder & Child Development
Unlike people with hearing loss, those with auditory processing disorders can hear sounds, but their brains have trouble determining the meaning of those sounds. Being familiar with the signs of this condition can ensure your child gets the right help when they need it most. Understanding Auditory Processing Disorder Auditory processing disorder (APD) affects about…
The Relationship Between Allergies & Asthma
According to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America (AAFA), approximately 50 million Americans experience allergies and 25 million have asthma. In fact, it’s common for these two conditions to go hand-in-hand. We explore the link between allergies and asthma below. What Are the Symptoms? Both allergies and asthma can cause respiratory symptoms, including…
Considerations When Looking for a Hearing Aid
Picking the perfect hearing aid that will work for your unique type and degree of hearing loss can be challenging. With the help of your experienced audiologist, you will need to take both the style and additional features into account when making a selection. Hearing Aid Styles Even with different styles, hearing aids have the…
Welcome Samantha Hudson, Au.D.
Carolina Ear, Nose & Throat-Sinus and Allergy Center, P.A. is pleased to announce the arrival of Samantha Hudson, Au.D.! Dr. Hudson grew up in Southern California, where she graduated from UCLA in 2014 with a Bachelor of Arts in French and linguistics. Dr. Hudson then attended Rush University for graduate school and completed her fourth-year…
How to Care for Your Hearing Aids
For many of the 48 million Americans with hearing loss, their hearing aids help them connect with others. This is why keeping hearing aids in good working order is crucial. One way to make sure your devices stay in tip-top shape is to take proper care of them. Below is a breakdown of how you…